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Back to School: 7 Ways to Teach Eco-Consciousness

A young girl in a backpack looking out into the forest for eco-friendly things to teach your kids blog

The future of our planet is in the hands of our children. If we want to make the Earth a better place for ourselves and the generations that follow, it starts with us. Teaching our kids about sustainability, repurposing, and eco-friendly habits is a great start. Here are seven easy ways you can raise people who truly care about the planet. 

Young Asian girl with a bubble outside



3 year old girl in Parafina Delfin pink recycled rubber sunglasses

Hey we get it, all parents need to rely on screen time! But especially in the age of virtual school, let’s get those young eyes in front of nature’s beauty as well. The best way to make your child more environmentally conscious is to make space for them to explore it firsthand. Go on nature hikes or do a scavenger hunt in your own backyard. No matter how big or small the adventure, it is guaranteed to leave a lasting impact on the way your child views his or her surroundings. (And if they’re outside, why not check out the cute recycled kids sunglasses pictured above and use this planet-friendly sunscreen spray!)


Yep, we are talking about the beloved mantra: Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. Let your children help with the recycling and see how simple it really is. Getting your child in the habit of reducing waste at an early age is key to ensuring it becomes a long-term lifestyle. Let a child’s natural curiosity be your guide and encourage them to ask questions about how recycling works, where it goes, and why it’s better for the planet. 

Start with their own lunches with the cute reusable print sandwich bags in our food section and why not a made-from-recycled, eco-friendly backpack!


If you have somewhat of a green thumb, setting up a garden in your yard is a great project to take on together. And even if growing things isn’t one of your strong suits, don’t be afraid to give it a try. You can always ask an expert at one of your local nurseries – the plant kind, not the baby watching kind. Although, maintaining a garden is a lot like taking care of a child. It takes patience, nurturing, and commitment. These are all great lessons to teach your child in addition to teaching them about the benefits of growing your own food for your family and Mother nature. (Though perhaps some natural bug-repellent and bite balm will come in handy here.)


Taking a trip to the store can be a great way to get your child to buy into the waste-free movement. Support small, eco-friendly businesses and explain to your child the benefits of the purchases you are choosing to make. Show them plastic-free alternatives that save the Earth without sacrificing functionality or style. Let your child pick out something for themselves that gets them excited about buying greener goods. Hint: Why not find a lot of good choices in one place with us? How about starting simple with picking their own reusable water bottle from here.


A father and daughter washing hands in kitchen sink for eco-friendly teaching blog

When you are trying to instill values, leading by example at home is the best way to get through to your child. Have open discussions with them about the many ways you can save energy during your daily routine. Start with the little things that can make a big impact, like using less water when brushing teeth or taking a shower. Making sure lights are turned off when leaving a room and items are unplugged when not being used. Consider implementing a small reward system, like a sticker chart, to encourage your child to practice eco-conscious behaviors.

For more fun with plastic-free personal care routines, check out these all-natural, kid-favorite Crayon Soaps and bamboo kids’ toothbrushes.


If you are teaching your child about the importance of being environmentally conscious, it would make sense to tap into the plethora of teaching resources that are at your disposal – we definitely don’t want them to go to waste! From TV shows to books to FREE online activities, you’ll have plenty of ways to get your kid excited about doing good things for the environment. Here are some great resources to get you started:

9 Best Children’s Books About The Environment

Environmental TV Shows For Kids

Online Eco-Conscious Activities For Children


Kid outside planting for eco-conscious kid blog

Getting involved with a local environmental organization is a double whammy! In addition to giving your child a hands-on experience that teaches environmental awareness, it also shows them the value of doing a good deed. The sense of fulfillment and accomplishment they will have after contributing to making their community a better place is priceless. If you can get your child to feel the positive effects of being a part of something greater than themselves, you are well on your way to raising a more environmentally conscious human being. 



As a parent, you will always be your child’s best advocate. By teaching them about the planet and ecosystem at an early age, you can raise children who are environmental advocates. Don’t underestimate the power of small changes. Something as simple as improving your recycling skills can reduce tons of waste – literally. When it comes to taking care of Mother nature, every little bit counts.